中国器乐摇滚领军乐队—惘闻,1999年成立于中国北方的海滨城市大连。乐队由:吉他手:谢玉岗;吉他手:耿鑫;贝斯手:徐增铮;鼓手:周连江;键盘手:张岩峰;号手:黄凯,6人组成;成军近20年的惘闻,至今发行过10张录音室专辑,1张电影原声专辑,1张与瑞典后摇乐团Pg.Lost共同发行的Split专辑。 惘闻一直保持着勤奋且低调的创作之姿,不断突破创新,不仅是中国后摇滚、器乐摇滚的绝对代表乐队,更一直活跃在国际舞台之上;乐队展开过四次大规模的欧洲巡演,2018年1月前往冰岛录制第十张专辑《看不见的城市》并于同年7月发行。 China’s most prominent instrumental band Wang Wen begins 20 years ago in the coastal city Dalian. By now they have released 9 studio albums, 1 OST album and 1 split vinyl with the Swedish band Pg.Lost. Wang Wen is indeed an incredibly creative band and productive at the same time. The band is well respected in China for their immersive and deeply moving music. They are also very active on the international stages, having toured in Europe four times and recorded their tenth album in Iceland. The new album will be released globally this year in 2018, and its going to be their most poetical work.